Tuesday, May 19, 2009

La Looses Herself

One random Friday night La and Kristin were eager to hit the town. I decided to sit this one out and have a quiet evening after a long week of work. After a movie and dinner I passed out earlier without hearing anything from the 5 points patrons, which usually meant that either the night had ended without anything eventful happening or the world could be spinning out of control.

After a few hours of sleep my phone started to ring non-stop. Nothing good could come of this. Since meeting and hanging out with the new trio I had been named the Shepherd and was on non-stop patrol and guardian duty to keep these dames in touch with reality. Its fair to say that this is not an easy task.

I finally answered the phone, only to find Kristin in a hysterical uproar. She went on to explain that the cops had been pounding at the front door for a few minutes and had shown up with La’s purse and belongings. The reason she didn’t answer the door is because she had no pants on. I can only imagine her now saying to herself, "Where are my pantelones?"

She had to chase the cops down to figure out what they wanted. She was then told that her roommate was missing and that her belongings had been found with a drunk porch sleeper around the corner. The cops abducted Kristin to show her the drunk college kid, who had earlier been with La. Kristin had no idea who this person was or why he had La’s belongings. I do no have to interject why La would have been with this younger gentleman, insert your own comment. The porch sleeper was then sent to the lockup in his patty wagon ride.

Kristin told the cops that she had been with La earlier in the night and left her in the bar with several potential hook up buddies, namely Brett a regular at PSH. After grilling Kristin and getting Brett’s name and phone number, from La’s phone, Kristin was returned to PSH by the cops whilst the cops called to harrass Brett about the whereabouts of La.

By this time I had been summoned to save the day. My first action was to call Leslie to see if La had stumbled to her place. No luck. My phone call however did inspire Leslie to meet me at PSH after I specifically told her that my first thought was that La was lying in a ditch somewhere miles from 5 points with no phone or purse.

Leslie, Kristin and I arranged out meetings of the minds on the front porch of PSH. This had been the impromptu home base for locating the lost La. We could not call her cell phone, as we already had it, nor could we retrace the steps she took home as the poor lost sheep was left alone in 5 points. We called her hook up buddy Brett and found she had not gone home with him. The night would have been much easier if she had.

As we smoked cigarettes and pondered her whereabouts, my only conclusion was that she had been raped and murdered in the lustrous metropolis known as Columbia, SC. We were dumbfounded. The cops had given up and returned her belongings and cast the lost girl off as some drunken slut. My lack of sleep and knowing La, didn’t leave my determination for off.

After a few minutes I got up to go to the bathroom. After relieving myself I decided to check La’s bedroom. I opened the door to find a pair of purple panties and white shirt lying ass up in the bed. That’s right the drunken slut was lying face down in her own bed sound asleep while the three of us had woken up at 6am to search the earth for her missing ass. I calmly walked outside and asked Kristin if she had even bothered to check if La was passed out in her own bed. As innocently as possible she replied, no.


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